Part 19: Mission 6 (Rand) - Night of the Festival

Mission 6 (Rand) - Night of the Festival

Outside, Rand and the others are counting their blessings that Loran obliged the Iron Gear's crew by bringing food, though Rand wishes it consisted of more than just bread.
Mind, it's some REALLY tasty bread so everyone's wolfing it down...except Gainer: he finds it hard to eat given how his unwilling Exodus has somehow turned into an intercontinental voyage.
Garrod figures Gainers attitude is understandable, seeing how he was just as frightened when he was warped to Galia.

Elchi asks Garrod if this is really Ameria as, from what he told her, she was expecting a much more arid place than this.
Garrod explains that the great deserts (where he comes from) are mostly in the southern part of the continent. Mel figures this place looks more like some tranquil countryside.
From what Garrod's heard, most of this part of North Ameria is rather isolated and under-mechanized; Rag finds it strange, seeing how youd find Mobile Suits if you went south.
Garrod doesnt understand this place, either, but says theres almost no danger here seeing how the bands of Vultures dare not enter the region.

The reason for that is a legend that says theres some kind of "Demon" sleeping in North Ameria.
Sara wonders if its true and Gain at least believes that there must be some kernel of truth to it to keep so many fortune-seekers at bay.
Either way, Rag figures that its very possible the people would start panicking if they found machines like ours showing up out of nowhere and that makes Dyke even more curious about Loran: despite living in a place like this, he acted normally. Furthermore, Jiron remembers Loran first talking to us like he thought we were part of some Moon Race.
The thought of people on the Moon seems almost ludicrous to the Galians, but Garrod assures them that plenty of people left Earth behind to live in space.
Elchi remembers a comment Arthur Rank made about the Innocent descending from the Moon, but he was in a highly privileged position and one of the few people that knew that.
In any case, Rand figures Loran mistook us for them and is a bit curious about how this seemingly simple country boy knows this Moon Race.
Gain figures well just have to ask him about later but Rag is worried if itll be ok: what if he rats us out? Burume wonders if thatd even be an issue, seeing how this aint Siberia even if we still have to keep an eye out, Gain doesnt think the kid will be a problem.

Its just his intuition speaking but he saw that Loran had some very honest eyes and doesnt think hed tell someone about us.
Chil points out to the distance, seeing something happening at the other edge of town most likely that festival Loran told us would be happening, Jiron thinks. Burume is, to say the least, annoyed that we have to stay hidden inside a mountain, eating bread, while theres a party outside.
Speaking of bread, Rand is too hungry and decides to start eating, which causes Jiron to start pushing him away in order to secure his cut. Gainer sighs, thinking our situation is tense enough without a food fight.
We wont have to stay here long, though, as Gain plans on speaking with the towns mayor right in the morning hopefully hell be able to explain everything and figure out a way to, quietly, get the Iron Gear back en route to Siberia.

Loran and Sochies rite is already underway, with her telling him to hurry it up.
Loran is more than a little sheepish but Sochie insists that this is how the ceremony goes and even her sister has already done it. Loran still hesitates, making the girl complain that this is embarrassing to her, too.
The problem is that Loran doesnt understand how letting leeches draw blood off Sochies back and using it to draw marks consists a coming-of-age ceremony
She explains that the markings are in honor of the mark the White Doll the nearby statue - has on its back. Since she and Loran are representing all those going through the ceremony, she wants him to make it quick.
However, their rite is interrupted when they hear a noise coming from the direction of Nocis and, soon, Loran gets worried. My Lady! Please, put your clothes on quickly! Thats! he yells

A standoff has rapidly developed between an advance military detachment from the moon, and a platoon of Earth units.
The moon troops' commander, Poe, had been led to believe that this area had no mobile suits, meaning that these foes must be from the United Nations Earth (UNE). The soldiers ask what to do and the orders are not to fire first lest they engage the UNE forces in an area currently outside their jurisdiction.

However, the UNE troops quickly open fire on them.
Poe figures the local militia's so-called peace negotiations were just a trap she orders the troops to fight back and show the earthlings the power of the Diana Counter.

Problem is, Sochies home, with her father inside, is caught in the crossfire between the troops.
After the UNE troops are destroyed, Poe commands her troops to suppress the locals and guard against ongoing attacks - anyone who resists is to be shot.
The Moon forces set up their perimeter and start firing in all directions, striking dangerously close to the areas where the Iron Gear, Loran and Sochie are hiding.
Poe soon detects something on her scanners a metallic object hiding in the hills and wonders if it could be another enemy.

On the opposite end of town, Cotsett sees the enemy getting closer and figures well soon be discovered.
Elchi doesnt know what to do and Rand asks Garrod who are these guys didnt he say there were no machines in this area?
Garrod has no idea but he's sure these guys will treat us as hostiles and attack if we get out there. Of course, Gain figures it makes no difference as theyre already attacking everywhere.
Back at the White Doll

*Crumbling sound.

Victory Condition: Poes WaDom shot down.
Mission Failure: Iron Gear or Loran shot down.
Skill Point: Defeat all enemies (Poe last) by the end of turn 3s PLAYER phase.
Ready for another hard-ish Skill Point? This time limit is VERY tight due to two facts: the enemies are spread out in a wide area and, more importantly, you are now facing enemy squads.
I forgot to zoom out to see the entire battlefield but take my word on it: we have Poe and two solo WaDs (acronym for Walking Dumpling) slightly to the NE of our group; behind her youll find two groups of WaDs: one has three Center Formation squads and the other has three Wide Formation squads; due to the time limit and squads, Accelerate/Boost and post-movement TRI attacks are key.
Jiron and Gain will be our go-to guys for this and you NEED to make use of them or you wont make it in time.

Everyone needs to move as far as possible, always using accelerate if available; I have Rand take on this solo WaD because hell be tagging out for Gain real soon.

Rand has a unique battle-line against military-types before he attacks: Dont care if I gotta tangle with the army I do what I want!
Gainer was set inside the Iron Gear to get a wee bit of extra movement; aside from that, everyone else just moved forward.
Loran is a priority target to the Diana Counter soldiers, so I bring him closer to our troops to bait the enemy into closing in.
Now, before we get to the enemy phase, lets look over Poe and Loran:

WaDom a.k.a. Walking Dome (Poe Aijee)
Pilot Skills:
- Support Attack L1
- Resolve
- Backup Attack
- HP Regen (10%)
- Magnet Coating (Mobility +10%)
Poes voice actress: Yumiko Nakanishi (other known works: Meeya Laujin in King Gainer, Gushoushin the Elder in Descendants of Darkness and a some others).
Poe is around the same level as Geraba and Hola in terms of danger she has an ALL attack with decent range and her TRI attack has good power but, by herself, shes no threat whatsoever.
Her Leader Bonus and Magnet Coating may make her a bit dodgier than the other mooks here but it doesnt save her; shes the first enemy we see with HP Regen but, having only 7800 max HP, she wont make much of it.

∀ Gundam (Loran Cehak)
Pilot Skills:
- Support Attack L1
- Support Defense L1
- Blocking
- SP Regen
- Sense (20)
- HP Regen (10%)
- I-Field Barrier Reduces incoming beam damage by 1000 costs 10 EN per activation
Lorans voice ACTRESS (of course): Romi Park (other known works: Akane Owari in Dangan Ronpa 2, Edward Elric in Full Metal Alchemist, Naoto Shirogane in Persona 4 and MANY others.)
Welcome the second member of the Magikarp Power club: Loran is not very good pilot right now (Gain and Gauli way back on mission 2, had higher stats than him) and Turn A only has two weak attacks stick with him, though.
Loran will grow to be quite dependable and, of course, the Turn A wont be limited to those two attacks; eventually, youll have a unit that, while not the strongest around, will perform well against both mooks and bosses throughout the entire game.
That SP Regen alone already gives him a nice boost since, like Eureka, Loran will eventually learn Focus.

Enemy Phase!

As expected, the closer WaD platoons run straight after Loran; Lorans aim is rather low so, to avoid misses wrecking my chances at the Skill Point, I had him cast Sense.
The WaDs are as threatening as Torrads but the Turn A is forced to use his weak-ass melee attack at this range

A second WaD squad also attacks, with two attacks connecting for little damage; this time, the leader is blasted by Turn As Beam Rifle and gets oneshotted.

Poe isnt hardwired to go after Loran, preferring to attack whatevers in range.

Jiron is as surprised as everyone else when he dodges a mobile suit: Oh? That's all a MS's got?

Player Phase!

The WaDs will still make a beeline for Loran but, if they cant reach him, they will attack whatevers closer; so, were going to make something of a wall in their way to force them to attack our TRI/ALL-equipped units.

Two kills and we can be certain the third one will die to a counter.

Time for Gain to be tagged in and sent after one of the farthest groups.
Since theyre in Wide formation, though, its unlikely well kill them all.

Indeed, the two squaddies survive with some 1000 HP.

Center formations can be easily dealt with but Gainer still needs morale; so, he moves to pick off one of the WaDs.

Hrrrmm sumbitch

Jiron moves ahead and TRI Attacks another Wide Formation squad, killing the leader.
The Iron Gear moves to the front, with Strike cast, to hopefully draw the attention of some mooks.

Enemy Phase!

The WaDs start taking the bait, with Garrod taking three easy kills.

From those, he gains a level up and learns Prevail L3.

Following that, Jiron wipes out an entire squad with his TRI attack.

His whole group gains a level and Jiron learns Sense.

Gainer is also jumped by three groups.

Thats three single kills for him; sadly, he didnt get the morale to use his OverSkill attack.

Oh? We have a clever one here. This WaD decided to move towards Loran and take a potshot at the Iron Gear.

I'll keep this song on the ship because I think it'd be a waste to keep it exclusively on a unit that's probably not going to lead anymore.

It doesnt pan out.
Poe moves towards Loran but doesnt attack.

Player Phase!

I have Jiron weaken Poe just a wee bit in order to feed this kill to Loran.

This also has the added bonus of getting him out of the way, allowing the Iron Gear to bust out its MAP attack!
A MAP attack, as the name implies, is an Area of Effect attack that strikes on the battlefield; they usually dont have much power behind them and may carry varying degrees of requirement s and limitations: in the Iron Gears case, it needs 110 morale but the attack only has 2 shots (and it has jack for accuracy, so Rand needs to Attune them).
Mind you, only a handful of MAP attacks dont have friendly-fire turned on, so you need to watch your own squads.

Everything dies!

Also, I figured Id rather not chance Loran leaving Poe barely alive, so I had Gainer take a quick swing at her.

Now, get to it!

And thats that.

As a reward, we steal her Magnet Coating and seize our Skill Point.

Poe quickly retreats to meet up with the main army.
While Loran is flabbergasted that the Moon Race is actually returning, Sochie finds herself in awe that this machine was hidden inside the White Doll all this time. Gain cuts in, telling Loran that they need to get out of here.
Rand reminds him that, as they told him yesterday, we were all warped here and our folk would rather leave before getting tangled up in more trouble. Gain tells Loran to come with them as hes sure it wont be long before more unpleasantness arrives.
Loran thinks a bit and asks Sochie to get off the unit. She hesitates and, raising his voice for the first time, Loran TELLS her to hurry and get out.

As our group leaves, inside Nocis, Olba and Shagia were watching everything. Olba notes seeing something very interesting.
Shagia agrees, surprised that they would run into the GX again in such a place. Olba asks if its him piloting it and, judging from the units movements, Shagia is 90% sure that it is.
Gwen is with them and he is very annoyed, having watched half a year's worth of negotiations go up in smoke and angrily asks why things had to turn out like this.
Still, Shagia assures him his plans include this turn of events. He and Olba say theyre here to defend, not just Inglessa, but the entire continent against the Moon Race.
Gwen doesnt seem very confident with his new allies, though
Location: Nocis Bostonia Castle

Gwen is not happy with all thats happened and he wants to know why the hell Shagia and Olba had their troops intercept the Moon Race scouts.
Shagia answers that it was all according to Gwens wishes but, of course, he has a hard time seeing that considering they screwed up all the negotiations he had worked on. Does Shagia mean to say he wanted to sabotage himself?
On the contrary, Olba suggests, this actually gives Gwen leverage in the long run. Kihel doesnt understand what theyre saying and Shagia explains that the Moon Race's negotiators likely never expected Inglessa to pose a serious military threat before.
Regardless, Gwen certainly didn't ask for the UNE to send these two in order for them to intrude on his policies and reckons that today's engagement was actually a loss for his side.

Olba tells him not to focus on today's outcome, but on the fact that the Moon Race is now on the defensive.
Besides, Shagia says the United Nations Earth has plenty more firepower to put into the project, though Gwen sniffs that his city has plenty of ways of defending itself without their help: there are structures in this region called Mountain Cycles which house several objects of interest inside.
Though his people's forefathers forbade excavation and use of said objects, Gwen doesn't plan on putting off progress any longer.
Shagia has heard the saying "The Promised Land is the Forbidden Land; let no man touch it", which accounts for the relatively un-mechanized state of this area.
However, in the face of the Moon Race's return, Gwen will quite happily re-mechanize for the sake of his people.

Olba wonders, then, if it was by his orders that the white mobile suit was excavated around Vicinity but Gwen denies.
Though he imagines that machine WAS slumbering in a Mountain Cycle, he was not aware of it and didnt give such orders. Furthermore, when asked by Shagia, he also professes no knowledge of the Galian battleship and has Militia forces pursuing it now to ascertain its purpose here.
He hopes to gain our aid and, adding the excavation of the Mountain Cycles, hopes to make his town truly self-sufficient in terms of defending themselves. That would mean Inglessa would then expect to deal with the UNE on equal grounds, of course.
Granted, Gwen doesnt plan to ignore the wishes of the UNE: if they mean to be part of the solution, he'll happily welcome their aid too. Shagia is slightly impressed with his political acumen and Olba figures coming here might have been worthwhile.

Their talk is interrupted when Col. Michael enters, informing Gwen that he Moon Race has gotten in touch and is requesting dialogue.
As Shagia suggested, it seems todays fight has made them more cautious and Gwen fully intends to capitalize on this turn of events: his plan is to show the Moon Race just what sort of culture the Earth holds and he will need Kihels help to do this.

Elsewhere in the castle, there is another guest: Garrods girlfriend, Tifa Adil; Olba enters, wishing that she wouldve gotten used to them by now.
Shagia tells her to relax and enjoy the scenery its certainly more pleasant than the desert landscapes she was treated to aboard the Freeden.
Regardless, they plan to take her to the UNE, but theres a little business to take care of first. Tifa asks if they mean Garrod and, as Shagia expected, her Newtype skills have shown her that hes nearby.
It doesnt matter, though, as Olba is sure that her voice can't reach him from here; Shagia plans to force her to use her powers for their sake instead, so that they can tap into the power slumbering within Garrod's land.
What do you want ? asks Tifa, and their answer is simple: To enact revenge against destiny.
Information Corner Topic: Militia
Military forces maintained by Inglessa and Borjarno; the city affiliation is commonly added as a prefix, as in "Inglessa Militia".
Most of their weapons include biplanes, cannons and other gear reminiscent of the Industrial Revolution era. However, after contact with the White Doll, their equipment shifted towards mobile suits, which started to be excavated from Mountain Cycles in quantity..
Added Cotsett messing up the Potan Cannon name (taken from a rerun of the mission):